I will provide you with animation data that I mainly use for dry lectures and overseas presentations. Unlike YouTube's "video", 3DCG allows you to watch from your favorite angle. However, you need to install Blender on your PC, but there is no cost because it is open source freeware. Download Blender from here and install it on your PC. Download the following files and open them with Blender to see the animation data. Please do not use these for any profit.
Side Sculling
This is the Side Sculling data. If you master this, you can apply it to many Greenland rolls. It is a technique to take a break on the sea. Don't get too tense. Relax your muscles. Download
Standard Roll
This is the Standard Roll animation data. I reproduced the details such as the return of the wrists. Please take a closer look.
Chest Sculling
This is the animation data of Chest Sculling. Chest Sculling is a kind of gateway to "F-F". If you want to master the Storm Roll, start by learning Chest Sculling perfectly. Download
Reverse Sweep Roll
This is the Reverse Sweep Roll animation data. I think Reverse Sweep Roll is the most beautiful and elegant roll among many Greenland rolls. Download
Storm Roll
I like the Storm Roll. I have nothing more to say. hahaha!
Static Brace
This is static brace animation data. Static bracing is not a Greenland technique, but it includes techniques that can be useful for a variety of roles. Check out the movie too.
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